Cookie Usage Policy

This page explains how cookies are used on this site. If you continue to use this site, you agree to our use of your cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files saved on your computer by your web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Opera) at the request of the site you're viewing. This allows the viewed site to remember some information about you, such as your settings and history, or to keep you logged in so you don’t have to re-enter your username and password each time you visit.

Cookies can be stored on your computer for a short period (e.g., while your browser is open) or for a long time, even years. Cookies set by other sites will not be accessible to us.

Our use of cookies

This site uses cookies for several purposes, including:

Standard cookies

Name Purpose
xf_csrf Stores your unique token used to verify that the actions you take on this site are done by you.
xf_session Stores the ID of your current session.
xf_user Stores your unique key that keeps you logged in while navigating from page to page.

Deleting/disabling cookies

Managing cookies and their settings should be done within your browser settings. Here are guides on how to do this in popular browsers:

More information about cookies

To learn more about cookies and find additional information, please visit the Wikipedia page on cookies.